Full Intensity Courses

Find out more about YouEnglish crash courses.

In adult life we hardly ever have time for homework and studying for ever. What’s more, many grown-ups detest school and see it as a source of stress, boredom and torture. That’s why we have created Full Intensity, our concept programme to try and depart from the discouraging stereotype of learning a foreign language.

Full Intensity is tailor-made, high impact intensive language training, which includes a package of classes designed for individual students. Your package may include 3, 4 or 5 days of training, and your daily minimal number of classes is 4 x 45minutes.

Who is it for: an intensive language training (Full In­ten­si­ty) is a good idea for students who:

  • feel blocked and want to relax while speaking at work or in everyday situations
  • must quickly solve a specific language problem (e.g. sort out some grammar issues, or learn specific vocabulary)
  • must urgently prepare for an important business event, such as a meeting, negotiation, conference, tyradę show, presentation, or any other public address
  • are impatient, highly motivate, ambitious and goal-oriented

Level: all levels

Full Intensity – a course elaborated by YouEnglish

Do you want to get going in English as soon as possible? Perhaps our Full Intensity is just what you need. FI courses are short, fast, dynamic and to the point. In adult life learning English for many long years simply makes no sense… with maybe just one exception, when learning foreign languages happens to be your passion.

English is an easy language, with a simple, predictable and intuitive grammar. It has no conjugation nor declination, all you need is a few tenses, a handful of terms and expressions, and in fact, you can start speaking in no time. This very basic goal can be achieved very quickly.

Full Intensity for Adult Learners. Check out our concept.

Don’t worry, you will not be told to take notes, buy books or do homework – unless you specifically ask for it and then do it. Review of previous material is done together with the teacher, students don’t get tested nor pressured, instead they get all our support in achieving their goals. Whatever you are supposed to do will be done in class with your teacher, after school you can do whatever you want.

Lets’ s face it: as adults we usually get down to work and start studying the language only when there’s absolutely no other choice. A sudden promotion, business trip, a speech or presentation to an audience, an important job interview, etc. Usually panic accompanies such situations, we tend to think it’s too much, we we will never cope, which, of course makes it even more stressful. More stress blocks you even more, and in this vicious circle it really becomes a challenge to have it all under control.

In this situation, it’s good to go for intensity of learning. Take a few days off, and REALLY learn what you REALLY need. Your goal should be specific and short-term, and your Full Intensity training will address it immediately. The number of classes is up to you, and your program will be put together in close cooperation with you.

PLEASE NOTE, WE ALSO TEACH AT WEEKENDS! If you are too busy during the week, you can plan your intensive course at weekends only. Don’t worry if you happen to have an evening event or a family breakfast – in the morning you can start anytime you want.

Intensive English courses for students who don’t live in Wrocław

Don’t worry if you are not from Wroclaw. Now you can take advantage of the current situation and plan an intensive English training online. Study from home and from your sofa.

Pandemics has shown us that studying English online can be very effective. This option has a few important aspects:

  1. It doesn’t matter where you are from. Our students come from all parts of Poland and Europe – Norway, UK, France or Monaco.
  2. Daily package of classed can be split into smaller units, and longer breaks can be scheduled. This way you will avoid fatigue and overdoing it.
  3. It may work out cheaper. Ask about our Full Intensity prices.